After graduating, Mr Jankowski was interested in doing more, but found his access to equipment restricted.───毕业后,斯托·扬科夫·斯基想大干一场,却发现自己的渠道实在有限。
After working for bosses all his life, John Jankowski had always longed to have his own options and stock-trading firm.───约翰·简科斯基多年来一直为老板工作,他一直希望有自己的期权和证券交易公司。
With financial resources exhausted and the pressure of a family to support, Jankowski's thoughts turned to escape.───经济来源的枯竭和养家糊口的压力让他想到逃避。
FATHER HENRY JANKOWSKI: The shipyard workers were not only sitting on the gate, but they were also on the roofs surrounding the shipyard.───亨利。杰克斯基(HenryJankowski)神父:船厂的工人们爬上大门,还爬上周围的屋顶。
Then came a downturn in business, and before long Jankowski was in serious financial trouble.───但后来生意开始低迷,不久简科斯基陷入了严重的经济困境。