Darna, in particular, is said to have contributed a bigger proportion of jihadist fighters in Iraq than any other Arab city.───达那更是如此:据称,伊拉克的圣战主义战士中,源自达那的人比其他阿拉伯城市的都要多。
The Islamist leadership seems to have little control over the wilder jihadist groups, and is itself hardening on human rights.───伊斯兰教派领导层似乎对更狂热的圣战派别(jihadistgroups)的控制力很小,并且自身在人权问题上也过于僵硬。
He regards "a jihadist victory" in Pakistan as "neither imminent nor inevitable. . . [but] a real possibility that needs to be assessed" .───他认为在巴基斯坦的“圣战胜利”“既不是很快就会来临也不是不可避免……[但]真正的可能性需要加以评估。”
A slightly different version of the report was published on a jihadist websites, said the SITE Intelligence Group.───反控监控组织的情报称,在报告中的一个细小不同点刊登在了伊斯兰圣教组织的网站上。
Worse, suspicions that the ISI, or at least some of its officers, are still in cahoots with their jihadist enemies persist.───更糟糕的是,有关巴三军情报部门(或至少它的一些官员)同圣战分子合谋的怀疑一直没消除。
Still, he said, 'there is no evidence of widespread support' in Xinjiang for international jihadist groups.───不过他说,没有证据显示新疆地区存在对国际圣战组织的广泛支持。
When he vehemently refused and some of his comments appeared on jihadist Websites, Ghanam was jailed for what Swiss authorities called his "dangerosite" (French for "dangerousness").
Many new al-Qaida members say, unconvincingly, that they decided to become a jihadist after reading an extreme, anti-American blog, or after converting to Islam, sometimes just a few weeks before.
Jihadist ideology has also been facing what may prove to be bigger threats than those posed by military setbacks or defections.
There are scraps of intelligence to suggest that he has returned to these jihadist roots.
It also drew waves of jihadist fighters from nearby Pakistan.
If the link is proven, India may blame jihadist groups outside the control of Pakistan's authorities.
In the process, they helped create what Miss Bhutto called a "Frankenstein's monster"—of jihadist groups with sympathisers in the army and intelligence services.
A businessman. Someone who fits the role of jihadist, without actually being jihadist.
Would Hamas and the other Jihadist movements give up their demand for the "dismantling of the Zionist entity"?