Zeller: I have my orders. And they are to take you personally to Bremerhaven tonight where you will accept your commisssion.───西:我接到命令,他们准备今晚亲自送你去布莱梅港,在那儿你将接受委任。
In 1827, faced with a Weser that was silting up, Hanseatic Bremen bought the land for Bremerhaven from Hanover's king to maintain a link to the sea.───在1827年,威泽河泥沙淤塞问题日趋严重,当时的汉萨不莱梅市从汉诺威国王那儿买来土地以保证占有入海口,便形成了今天的不莱梅哈芬。
If Bremerhaven was one of many cities, it would never have got the same help,” says Detlef Kolze, a local journalist.───当地记者德特勒福•克欧滋说:“如果不莱梅哈芬是其他诸多城市当中之一,绝不会获得如此的资源”。
"If Bremerhaven was one of many cities, it would never have got the same help, " says Detlef Kolze, a local journalist.───当地记者德特勒福•克欧滋说:“如果不莱梅哈芬是其他诸多城市当中之一,绝不会获得如此的资源”。
Most of all, Bremerhaven cannot be sanctioned by the state for its spending plans.───最关键的是,不莱梅哈芬的财政开支计划可以不受不莱梅州的约束。
to take you to Bremerhaven tonight.───今晚带你去基地,
A Liebherr HS 883 HD hydraulic rope excavator is also in operation at Bremerhaven, to undertake additional piling work.───在不来梅港,一台利勃海尔型号HS883HD液压绳索式挖掘机也投入使用来承担额外的打桩工作。
BREMERHAVEN, they say, is the freest town in Germany.───人们常说,不莱梅哈芬是德国最自由开放的城市。
and report to their naval base at Bremerhaven tomorrow.───明天到Bremerhaven港海军基地报到。