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approximation theorem是什么意思_approximation theorem的中文翻译

approximation theorem





bisector theorem───平分定理

probable theorem───或然定理

correspondence theorem───相似定理,对应定理

incompleteness theorem───不完全性定理

cosas theorem───Theorem事物

angles theorem───角度定理

convexity theorem───凸定理

postulate theorem───假设定理


Random sequence Random limit logarithmic likelihood ratio Random approximation theorem Random selection Two-order Markov distribution Stochastic dominated sequence.───随机序列随机极限对数似然比随机逼近定理随机选择二重马氏分布机控制序列。

topologic structure and learning algorithm of the rough neural network are given, and the approximation theorem of the rough neural network is presented.───给出了粗糙神经网络的拓朴结构和学习算法以及粗糙神经网络的逼近定理。

On the basis of the central limit theorem and approximation theory, a new implementation of the Gaussian filter by cascaded triangle filters is presented.───在中心极限定理和逼近理论的基础上,提出了一种用三角滤波器的级联来实现高斯滤波器的新方法。

Iterative approximation theorem on solutions to nonlinear strongly accretive operator equations───非线性强增生算子方程解的迭代逼近定理

An Approximation Theorem of Nonlinear Operator and its Application───一个非线性算子逼近定理及其应用

The extensions of internal function approximation theorem and overflow theorem and theirs applicitaons───内函数逼近定理及上溢原理的推广及应用

A Note of Non-singular Approximation Theorem for Non-linear Equations───关于非线性方程奇异解逼近定理的注记


The topologic structure and learning algorithm of the rough neural network are given, and the approximation theorem of the rough neural network is presented.

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