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leaving school是什么意思_leaving school的中文翻译

leaving school




leaving───v.离开;留下;舍弃;使……处于某种状态(leave的现在分词);n.离开;v.离开( leave的现在分词 ); 遗弃; 忘了带; 交托

leaving around───乱扔;乱放

leaving for───动身去;把…留给(某人)做;把…留在(另一时间做)

leaving date───离开日期

leaving out───遗漏,省去;不考虑

leaving behind───留下;遗留;超过

leaving f───离开f

leaving off───停止

businesses leaving california───离开加州的企业


After leaving school, Hawking first went to Oxford University to study physics.───离开学校后,霍金先去了牛津大学学习物理学。

Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life.───我一生中最大的错误就是那么年轻就离开了学校。

After leaving school, Mike went into the army.───迈克从学校毕业后参加了陆军。

We 're trying to recruit new young graduates at the moment, you know, there will be 3, 000 graduates leaving school in June.───我们正在准备招收新的大学毕业生,你要知道,今年六月将有三千名大学生离开学校。

He said he was going to be an actor after leaving school.───他说他毕业后要当演员。

Each player has said he would n't consider leaving school unless he was confident he would be a first- round pick .───每位参加选秀的球员都说,他将不会考虑离开大学,除非他有足够的信心能在第一轮被球队选上。

With several of its best players leaving school in the next two years, the team will soon be going to the dogs.───今明两年,这队伍几名最好的球员将离校,这队伍将完蛋了。

After leaving school, I'd been working as a shop assistant, saving up to do a hairdressing course at college.───离开学校之后,我一直在做店员,想要存钱到大学学习美发课程。

Gap year usually refers to one year taken off by a student between leaving school and taking up a place at a university.───那不就是同学们经常说的空档年或者是间隔年,可以让学生们在大学之前有一年的时间好好享受人生。


The father dissuaded his son from leaving school.

Leaving school was such a liberation for me.

After leaving school, Mike went into the army.

He doesn't approve of my leaving school this year.

After leaving school, she spent a year travelling, mostly in Africa and Asia.

He's been working in a bank since leaving school.

He doesn't approve of me leaving school this year.

Leaving school so young was the biggest mistake of my life.

He pursued his studies after leaving school.

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作者: 隋末唐初 · 李世民



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