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Good rapport does not mean you have to entertain rumor mongering and flirting.───良好关系并不意味着你得去造谣八卦或卖弄风骚以取悦他人。
Were all those pandemic warnings just scare-mongering?───那些流行病预警是杞人忧天吓唬人的吗?
This gossip-mongering was swiftly denied by Mr Serra’s team.───塞拉的竞选团队迅速否认了这一谣言。
The fear-mongering and misinformation plaguing the faux-sweetener market seems to be rooted in a common misconception.───在人造甜味剂市场上,恐慌和误传似乎深深植根于人们的错误观念中。
Although the firms condemn the rumour-mongering, stories that Morgan Stanley was looking for a partner continued to swirl.───尽管两家公司对有关摩根斯坦利正为其经营寻找伙伴的流言加以谴责,但这不能阻止其继续传播。
I just do not understand why does that particular someone have to make my conservative views to be gossip-mongering.───就只是不懂为什么自己的保守派建议要被人家当成是我在搬弄是非。
I support Obama, at least in comparison to his war-mongering colleagues.───和他好战的同僚相比,我支持欧巴马。
Only retired Gen. Colin Powell seemed willing to stand up to the fear mongering.───只有已退休的鲍威尔将军站出来抵抗这种恐惧的蔓延。
The fear mongering folks at the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics are at it again.───那些忐忑不安的商贩们在安全化妆品竞选活动中再次名列其中。
But drug companies have a vested interest in disease - mongering.
Similar to gossip, but usually more based on some factual element or half-truth. Rumor mongering ; Spreading a rumor with malicious intent.
Coalition mongering is the only plausible explanation.
Whatever. I guess I do hope that was Ray's intention all along as this same sort of off-the-cuff fear mongering arguably did help drive the United States to beat the Russians to the moon.
Now who's the fear mongering American neocon Republican?