Periapt of Vitality now gives 150 HPS, up from 100.───活力护身符现在给予150点生命,原来是100。
Price of Periapt-of-Life changed from 400 to 500.───宝石的价格由原来的400调整到500。
Price of Periapt-of-Life changed from 400 to 500.───卡嘉医疗宝石的价格由原来的400调整到500。
Periapt of Vitality now gives 150 hps, up from 100.───活力护身符现在给予150点生命,原来是100。
Periapt of Health: Receive extra health───生命护身符:得到额外的生命。
Periapt of Vitality and Precept of Mana cost increased by 50 each.
Periapt of Vitality now gives 150 hps, up from 100.