He answered, "with twelve princes in a castle underground."───他回答说:“和十二个王子在地下的一座城堡里。”
There were many princes and kings.───有很多的王子和国王。
Princes are always in line with the throne.───王子总是继承王位的。
I told him, this was my castle and my residence; but that I had a seat in the country, as most princes had.───我告诉他,这是我的城堡和住宅,象许多王公贵人一样,我在乡下还有一所别墅。
That respecteth not the persons of princes, Nor regardeth the rich more than the poor; For they all are the work of his hands.───他待王子不徇情面,也不看重富足的过于贫穷的,因为都是他手所造。
If these wretches, my children, were princes, there would be thousands ready to offer their ministry.───我的儿女们,假使这群可怜虫是一班王公,自然有几千人把宗教道理同他们说。
On this, there arose an earnest contention between the two young princes, each of them affirming himself to be the elder.───负责行刑者来到囚室,问谁是长子。两位年轻王子马上激烈争辩起来,都说自己是兄长。
"I will also cut off the judge from her midst And slay all her princes with him, " says the LORD.───我必剪除摩押中的审判者、将其中的一切首领和他一同杀戮。这是耶和华说的。
"Quite, " said the Queen of Scots and then she began to speak of how great Princes rewarded those who helped them.───“确实,”苏格兰女王答道,接着她开始说起王储们怎样报答那些曾经帮助过他们的人。
The young princes attended a private showing of the new Disney film.
That this did not happen to princes was a mark of their ability.
Pitted against it were the great princes, some with ambition to achieve political and legal independence of the crown.
Of course, many princes rose to the challenge, but each lost his life in the quest.
Both princes drew strength from their uncle's quiet confidence.
All the princes were dripping with gems.
The princes had obviously refused to select their prince as Phoenix King although he was obviously the rightful heir to Aenarion.
The two young princes were not singled out for special treatment at school.
The princes and their bodyguards were trapped within his grasp.