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program compatibility是什么意思_program compatibility的中文翻译

program compatibility




astrological compatibility───星象相容性

horoscope compatibility───星座兼容性

compatibility report───兼容性报告

compatibility test───兼容性试验;适应性实验;可适性试验

compatibility chart───兼容性图表

capricorn compatibility───摩羯座兼容性

backwards compatibility───向后兼容;反向兼容性


The Program Compatibility Wizard deals with similar issues related to application incompatibility.───兼容性向导程序会处理相应的应用程序不兼容问题。

Most in the Linux community see common issues that should be addressed such as compatibility, boot speed, program updating, etc.───大部分Linux社区的人看到的亟待解决的普遍问题就是兼容性、启动速度、程序更新等。

Also if your phone isn't on the list and works with the program please leave a comment so I can update the compatibility list.───另外如果您的手机不在名单上,并与该程序,请发表评论,这样我就可以更新相容性清单。

You can use the Program Compatibility Wizard to test your program in different modes ( environments ) and with various settings .───您可以使用程序兼容性向导在不同的模式(环境)下使用不同的设置测试程序。

Program compatibility issues are often called "application" compatibility issues.───程序兼容性问题通常称为“应用程序”兼容性问题。

The Program Compatibility Assistant runs automatically when it detects an older program that has a compatibility problem .───程序兼容性助手所做的更改是自动完成的,因此不需要手动进行这些更改。

If the compatibility issue is serious, the Program Compatibility Assistant might warn you or block the program from running.───如果兼容性问题很严重,则程序兼容性助手可能会向您发出警告或阻止程序运行。

The Program Compatibility Assistant detects known compatibility issues in older programs.───程序兼容性助手检测旧版本程序中的已知兼容性问题。

The Program Compatibility Wizard is a tool you can run manually on a program if you notice compatibility issues.───程序兼容性向导是一种工具,您可以在发现兼容性问题时手动运行程序。


The Program Compatibility Wizard deals with similar issues related to application incompatibility.

The Program Compatibility Assistant is designed to work together with the Microsoft Error Reporting Service, to highlight to Microsoft potential incompatibility errors.

  • personal chemistry">with───与……的兼容性

    zodiac compatibility───黄道兼容性

    compatibility report───兼容性报告

    compatibility test───兼容性试验;适应性实验;可适性试验

    compatibility chart───兼容性图表

    capricorn compatibility───摩羯座兼容性

    backwards compatibility───向后兼容;反向兼容性


The Program Compatibility Wizard deals with similar issues related to application incompatibility.───兼容性向导程序会处理相应的应用程序不兼容问题。

Most in the Linux community see common issues that should be addressed such as compatibility, boot speed, program updating, etc.───大部分Linux社区的人看到的亟待解决的普遍问题就是兼容性、启动速度、程序更新等。

Also if your phone isn't on the list and works with the program please leave a comment so I can update the compatibility list.───另外如果您的手机不在名单上,并与该程序,请发表评论,这样我就可以更新相容性清单。

You can use the Program Compatibility Wizard to test your program in different modes ( environments ) and with various settings .───您可以使用程序兼容性向导在不同的模式(环境)下使用不同的设置测试程序。

Program compatibility issues are often called "application" compatibility issues.───程序兼容性问题通常称为“应用程序”兼容性问题。

The Program Compatibility Assistant runs automatically when it detects an older program that has a compatibility problem .───程序兼容性助手所做的更改是自动完成的,因此不需要手动进行这些更改。

If the compatibility issue is serious, the Program Compatibility Assistant might warn you or block the program from running.───如果兼容性问题很严重,则程序兼容性助手可能会向您发出警告或阻止程序运行。

The Program Compatibility Assistant detects known compatibility issues in older programs.───程序兼容性助手检测旧版本程序中的已知兼容性问题。

The Program Compatibility Wizard is a tool you can run manually on a program if you notice compatibility issues.───程序兼容性向导是一种工具,您可以在发现兼容性问题时手动运行程序。


The Program Compatibility Wizard deals with similar issues related to application incompatibility.

The Program Compatibility Assistant is designed to work together with the Microsoft Error Reporting Service, to highlight to Microsoft potential incompatibility errors.

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