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regeneration system是什么意思_regeneration system的中文翻译

regeneration system





urban regeneration───城市再生

baptismal regeneration───洗礼的重生


foreskin regeneration device───包皮再生装置

vesicle of regeneration───再生囊泡

verging system───垂尾系统

system cache───系统缓存

complement system───补体系统;求补系统

justification system───辩护制度


The establishment of regeneration system for tall fescue is the foundation for its transformation.───植株再生体系的建立是进行基因转化的前提。

Taking mature caryopses as explant, the plant regeneration system of Zoysia japonica was optimized.───以日本结缕草的成熟胚为外植体,对其组织培养体系进行了优化。

establishment of effective regeneration system is a very important basis of genetic transformation.───建立高效的植株再生体系是遗传转化的重要基础。

Establishment of high efficient regeneration system is the basis of improve germplasm resources using Genetic engineering technology.───高效离体再生体系的建立是利用基因工程技术进行西瓜种质资源改良的基础。

Establishment of efficient regeneration system from three - dimensional stem segments of tetraploid Robinia pseudoacacia L .───四倍体刺槐立体茎段高效再生体系的建立。

This study explores the best conditions of induction callus and establish high efficiency regeneration system.───本研究探究了诱导匍匐翦股颖愈伤组织的最佳条件,建立了高频再生体系。

In this study, diploid sugar beet were used to establish a sugar beet plant regeneration system.───本研究以二倍体纯合系甜菜为材料,探索了甜菜植株再生体系;

Establishment of a high efficient regeneration system from internode segments of seedling in Astragalus meliloides Pall.───草木樨状黄芪高频离体再生体系的建立。

Materials for the studies on in vitro conservation and proteomics could be provided by the in vitro regeneration system. 2.───该再生体系的建立为其离体保存及蛋白质组学研究提供了试验材料。


Plant regeneration system of the species of genus Lolium, Poa, Zoysia, Agrostis and Festuca were established by means of solid medium culture, suspension culture, and protoplast suspension culture.

Establishment of the regeneration system for Plantago major L. "Giant Turkish. " is the basis to select for salt tolerance mutants and transform genes.

The regeneration system used by stems of one - year - old pyrus betulae folia Bge.

In this study, tissue culture technique and regeneration system for Acer negundo L were established.

Establishment of Regeneration System from Leaves and Leafstalk of Spiraea prunifolia Sieb . et Zucc.

Rape have established regeneration system of cotyledons, hypocotyls, protoplasts and microspore culture.

A efficient regeneration system of plantlets was established with cotyledon as explants in melon (Cucumis melo L.

A regeneration system of plantlets was established with apical bud of Acer negundo L.

The desalting regeneration system is revamped by using the magnesium tail water from the intermittent nitric acid production unit to replace hydrochloric acid as the cation bed regenerant.

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作者: 隋末唐初 · 李世民



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