The traffic jam was caused by a lorry shedding its load.───交通堵塞是因为一辆卡车掉下了货物。
The factory is shedding a large number of jobs.───这家工厂正大批裁员。
sight of George shedding crocodile tears made me sick.───看到乔治假慈悲,我感到恶心。
There was no keenness in the eyes, they seemed rather to be shedding love than making observations.───她的目光不锐利,那双眼睛似乎是在流出爱来,而不是在观看外界事物。
It was very sharp of him to see a shedding snake and warned the otheres.───他非常敏锐地看到了一条正在脱皮的蛇并警告别人;
Financial firms in London are shedding jobs, but so are retailers in high streets up and down the land.───伦敦的金融公司以及各地的零售商也都在削减工人。
We both knew she was now on the road to Zion and with all our crying and the shedding of tears nothing could stop mama's journey.───我们清楚地知道,母亲正在通往天堂的路上渐行渐远,我们无论如何痛哭,无论多少泪水,都阻止不了她的脚步。
She felt a tingle in her eyes and could hardly keep from shedding tears.───她觉得两眼发酸,泪水止不住流了下来。
Weight is usually the main cause of snoring so shedding excess fat around the neck will stop extra pressure being put on the airways.───受压通常都是打鼾的主要因素,因此减少颈部周围过量的脂肪能够为呼吸道减压,从而减少打鼾。
I can't avoid shedding the load.