He was wearing a stripy shirt and baggy blue trousers.───他穿着一件条纹衬衫和一条宽松的蓝裤子。
But Ben put red shorts, a red stripy top and red slippers.───但是本却穿上了红色的短裤、红色的条纹上衣和红色拖鞋。
Anna stares at the computer screen and considers her options. In front of her are two shapes - a flower and a stripy diamond.───安娜(实验猴昵称——译者注)盯着电脑屏幕做选择题,屏幕上有两件物品:宝石和花。
It would be much easier to spot money launderers if they wore stripy jumpers and carried bags labelled " swag " .───如果洗钱者都穿着粗条纹外衣,拎着标有“不义之财”字样的袋子,那么银行发现他们就容易多了。
So on dreary days, ask subjects to wear something colourful or stripy to give the image some visual interest and warmth.───所以在沉闷的日子里,让拍摄对象穿些彩色或带条纹的衣服来赋予图像一些视觉关注点和暖调。
He was referring to the stripy animals that prowl the country in declining numbers.───他指的是该国生存的这种斑纹动物的数量正在锐减。
He was referring to the stripy animals thatprowl the country in declining numbers.───他本意指的是这种常在国内游弋的花斑动物的数量正在衰减。
Would there be more gilded, stripy cushions, but less armed robbery?───这个世界有更多的镀金条纹抱枕,或者更少的武装械劫?