The same goes for financial supertankers such as Citigroup.───这一点也适用于花旗银行这类的金融超级航母。
There have been a series of pirate attacks off Somalia in the last few years, with vessels from supertankers to cruise ships being targeted.───这几年在索马里有一系列海盗袭击案件,从巨型油轮到观光邮轮都被攻击过。
Constantly widened to accommodate the growing size of vessels, the canal can now handle all but fully laden supertankers and giant bulk carriers.───为了适应不断变大的船只,苏伊士运河不断扩宽。现在,苏伊士运河几乎可以处理所有的满载超级油轮和巨型散货船。
Today, an endless parade of supertankers, along this blue ribbon that cuts through barren desert.───今天,一艘接一艘超级油轮沿着这条蓝丝带穿过不毛沙漠。
Analysts say the Somali pirates target all sorts of vessels: from small pleasure crafts to cargo ships and even giant oil supertankers.───分析家认为索马里海盗抢劫的目标是所有种类的船只,从小船到货船,甚至是大型油轮。
The first supertankers had teething troubles.───第一批超级油船在建造初期困难颇多。
The first supertankers had teething troubles. During sea tests the huge metal plates of the hulls buckled.
About how much larger are the modern supertankers compared with the tankers of 20 years ago?
From the photograph, what problems are there now for building really large ships, such as supertankers?
Such corporate supertankers rarely possess the nimbleness said to be needed for the Internet age.
Some oil rigs, as well as supertankers and naval ships, are constructed and much ship-repair work is done.