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andante bpm───行板

gabber bpm───加伯bpm

heart rate bpm───心率bpm

metronome 60 bpm───节拍器60 bpm


Business process modeling (BPM) tools.───业务流程建模(BPM)工具。

BPM is more than automation.───BPM不仅仅是自动化。

Many chosen BPM tools require you to write code to implement your BPM environment.───许多优选的BPM工具要求您编写代码以实现您的BPM环境。

It is often easiest to first explain the benefits of BPM, and then explain how BPM is best implemented on an SOA base.───最简单的方法是,首先解释BPM的好处,然后说明BPM为什么最好在SOA上实现。

Starting with BPM tends to drive fine-grained single operator services which isn't a good thing in terms of creating a robust architecture.───若以BPM开始的话,则容易导致许多粒度过细的只包含单一操作的服务,从架构健壮性的角度来说,这并不是一件好事。

For me personally, I'd like to see a good integrated solution, offering BPM, business rules and a good service repository.───对于我个人,我希望看到一个好的集成解决方案,提供BPM,业务规则和好的服务存储库。

So for the business user, BPM tools sometimes make it too complicated to define or to modify a business process.───因此对于业务用户而言,BPM工具有时让定义或修改业务流程变得过于复杂。

Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Business Process Management (BPM) are at the heart of a large percentage of modern IT strategies.───面向服务的体系结构(SOA)和业务过程管理(BPM)处于现代IT战略的核心位置。

BPM is all about creating agility, so lengthy technology implementations run counter to the BPM mission.───BPM就是要建立敏捷性,因此漫长的技术实施与BPM的任务是背道而驰的。


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随机恶心笑话: 国民老公

某天王思聪找到禅师,问到:“大师,好多人喊我老公,好苦恼,怎么办?” 禅师什么也没说,递给他一盒套套。 王思聪拿着套套若有所思说:“我懂了, 大师的意思是既然无法避免,就做好安全措施?” 禅师摇摇头,说:“老公,来吧! ”


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