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bust cycles是什么意思_bust cycles的中文翻译

bust cycles






pivot cycles───枢轴循环

cycles sinatra───西纳特拉循环

fathead cycles───肥头循环

cuirassed bust───胸甲胸围

rock bust───岩石破碎

baby bust───n.生育低谷

bust size───胸围尺寸


But emerging markets are prone to boom-and-bust cycles.───但新兴市场很容易陷入昙花一现的轮回。

Latin America is accustomed to giddy boom-bust cycles.───拉美经济通常是在兴旺-破灭的周期里打转。

We must avoid the damaging boom-bust cycles which characterized the 1980s.───我们必须避免类似20世纪80年代那样破坏性的繁荣-萧条周期。

Unless, of course, you adopt a completely different system, like socialism, which has no boom-bust cycles but lots of other problems.───当然,你也可以选择一种完全不同的制度,就象社会主义,没有周期性的经济问题但是却有更多其他问题。

In cities with inelastic supply, where speculation is possible, there was heavy use of IOs, but only in cities that had boom-bust cycles.───在那些无弹性房屋供应、允许投机的城市,IOS被大量应用,但仅限于存在繁荣-萧条周期的城市。

We have seen that it is the creation of money out of thin air that sets in motion boom-bust cycles.───我们已经了解到凭空创造的货币使得繁荣与萧条的周期性运动。

previously the industry had complained of boom-and-bust cycles with the credit having to be renewed nearly every year.───以前这个行业抱怨说经济繁荣与萧条交替循环,这项抵免政策几乎每年都要更新。

Ultimately, China's financial system will only avoid these boom-bust cycles if interest rates can be reformed, and pushed up.───如果能改革并推高利率,那么中国的金融制度就会最终避开这些繁荣-衰败循环。

Improving efficiency and liquidity is especially key in a market prone to boom-and-bust cycles .───对一个易受盛衰周期影响的市场来说,提高效率和增强流动性尤其关键。


Perennial boom and bust cycles have always winnowed out weak farmers.

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随机网络笑话: 哪里不对劲
儿子:“爸,今天回去带女朋友,别忘给我妈说多弄几个好菜。” 爸:“女朋友?上次来咱家的那个?” 儿子:“嗯。” 爸:“你说你学习不好,长得又丑,人家怎么看上你了?” 儿子:“爸,你说什么呢! ” 爸:“既然人家跟了你就好好对人家,还有看好你媳妇,别到头来给人家养一辈子孩子!哎,你千万别走了爸的老路。” 儿子:“知道了,爸!等会,你刚刚说什么?” 感觉哪里不对劲。


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