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timber tree crossword───林木纵横字谜

timberland pro───timberland专业版

timber r───木材r


prophetess memory matimbire───女先知记忆

timber song───木歌


solid timber───实木

fleecer timber sale───羊毛木材销售

cracknell timber───cracknell木材


You can get Lodi news even if you're in Timbuktu.───即使你身处Timbuktu,也能获得罗迪市的新闻。

In Timbuktu, shops and businesses with Arab or Tuareg owners were looted.───在廷巴克图,阿拉伯和图阿雷格人的商店和企业都遭到抢劫。

Ivanovo, Naples and Timbuktu are also on the list.───伊凡诺沃、那不勒斯、班珠尔、通布图均榜上有名。

Islamist militants in Mali have attacked one of the most famous mosques in the historic city of Timbuktu, residents say.───马里伊斯兰教武装分子袭击了廷巴克图城内一座著名的清真寺。

After a day of grazing in the surrounding desert, a herd of sheep and goats follow their owner to his home on the edge of Timbuktu.───待在廷巴克图边界周围的沙漠地区附近享受了一天的美食后,绵羊和山羊成群结队地跟着主人回家。

In the shade of their tent, members of a Tuareg family doze through midday heat near Timbuktu in drought-stricken Mali.───在遭受干旱袭击的马里,汀巴克图附近,一个图瓦雷克家庭的成员们,在他们帐篷的阴凉处打盹,以度过炎热的正午。

Timbuktu is a great place to send a postcard from but its fame lies more in its inaccessibility than in anything there is to do there.───廷巴克图是一个很适合发明信片的地方,不过它的声名更多得自于它的不可亲近,而非什么都可以做。

Because of its remoteness and inaccessibility , Patagonia has always been, like Timbuktu or Shangri-la, a place of myths and legends.───巴塔哥尼亚的遥远和难以到达,使它始终像廷巴克图和香格里拉那样,是一个充满神秘和传奇的地方。

French President Francois Hollande got a hero's welcome Saturday in the liberated northern town of Timbuktu.───周六,在业已解放的北部城镇廷巴克图,法国总统弗朗索瓦·奥朗德得到英雄般的欢迎。


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随机神回复: 这下连特别号都有了






化学课,老师布置作业。练习四,5、7、9、11、16、19。就做这些吧。” 忽听几个男生大喊:“老师,还少一个题。再布置一个吧。” 老师大喜,心想终于盼到我们主动学习的一天。于是笑着说:“好吧,加上22和27题吧。” 下课铃声响起,众男生向彩票投注站奔去,边跑边说:“咱老师真好,这下连特别号都有了。”


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