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to respond是什么意思_to respond的中文翻译

to respond




respond to───对…作出反应[回答]; 对…有某种反应[感觉, 表现]; 顺从, 服从; 响应


respond to sb───回应某人

respond on───响应

ventricles unable to respond to a stimulus───心室对刺激无反应


to want to───想要

to to link───到链接

to to feel───感觉


You can rely on him to respond to a challenge.───你可以信赖他,他懂得应付挑战。

The tanker failed to respond to a command to stop.───油轮未能对停止前进的指令做出反应。

The world community has been slow to respond to the crisis.───国际社会对该危机的反应向来迟缓。

As our military leaders have made clear, changes like this affect our ability to respond to threats in an unstable part of the world.───正如军方高层明确表示的一样,如此的改革已经影响到了我们在面对全球不稳定威胁时的应对能力。

Individual States, therefore, will not be able to respond to the original pleading as such, since it may not concern them at all.───是故有些邦省,无法应付这种诉状,因为可能与他们无关。

Stalking seems to be becoming more common; but now the criminal-justice system, which has been slow to respond, might be about to catch up.───缠扰行为似乎变得越来越普遍;虽说现在为止刑事司法系统对这种恶行的反应仍有些迟钝,不过可能马上就会得到改善。

He was trying to be self- deprecating , but it was hard to know how to respond to that kind of comment from a stranger.───他是在自我贬低,可是如果一位陌生人说出这样的话,就会令人很难知道怎么回答。

As in a real conversation, each label should address one topic at a time, helping the user to respond in the corresponding input field.───跟真实对话一样,每个标签每次只应突出一个主题,这样才能帮助用户在相应的输入域中作出应答。

Elliott was one of more than 100 Saskatchewan residents to respond to the contest launched by a popular Regina radio show .───有100多个萨斯喀彻温省居民参加了里贾纳市(萨省首府)一个流行广播节目举办的这次竞赛,埃利奥特是其中之一。


He was noticeably slow to respond.

They are likely to respond positively to the President's request for aid.

Terry was, as usual, slow to respond.

Companies have to respond to the changing economic climate.

The bank has yet to respond to our letter.

His condition failed to respond to the treatment.

She wasn't sure how he was likely to respond.

We are pleased to respond to your inquiry of August 18, 1998.

I am pondering how to respond.

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