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to rio是什么意思_to rio的中文翻译

to rio




piano rio───钢琴里约热内卢

rio olympics───里约奥运会(第31届夏季奥林匹克运动会)

rio olympic───里约奥运会

cafe rio───里约咖啡厅

is rio───n.(Berio)人名;(意)贝里奥

allcall rio───allcall里约

rio grande───格兰德河(美国和墨西哥之间)

we are rio───我们是里约热内卢

monadelphous Rio Tinto───莫纳德尔福斯力拓


I went on a photo shoot to Rio with him.───我和他一起去里约拍照了。

He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him.───中央情报局盘问之后,他去了巴西里约。

He leaves the comfort of his cage and travels to Rio.───他离开了舒适的鸟笼,开始了前往里约热内卢的旅行。

People close to Rio said yesterday that the offer "isn't even close" to a level that would tempt the company into a friendly deal with BHP.───熟悉力拓情况的人士昨日表示,上述出价“甚至都不接近”令该公司有兴趣与必和必拓达成友好交易的水平。

When the new arrivals got to Rio, often the only way to find a home was to build one out of orphaned bits of timber and masonry.───当新的移民来到里约,找到栖身之地的唯一方法就是用小块零碎的石头和砖瓦自己动手盖。

'Arguably some of the mud may stick, although there has been no direct linkage to Rio Tinto, ' he said.───他说,值得质疑的是,有些中伤性的评论可能难以消除,即便与力拓没有直接关系。

She flew down to Rio the next week, and he came to the airport with a driver to meet her.───她在下一周就飞到里约,而他开车去机场接她。

He went 3, 000 miles on an odyssey to Rio to the Earth Summit to tell the world what was happening in his tiny , little corner .───他好似奥德赛行进三千英里来到里约热内卢参加地球峰会,告诉世界在他的微小,小角落所发生的变化。

However, if the bank lends you $10 million, you are more likely to fly off to Rio to celebrate.───但是,如果银行借您$10百万,您是可能飞行到里约庆祝。


Flights to Rio are going cheap.

Passengers flying to Rio from other cities for the cruise will receive free round-trip economy air fare.

Broadly, there are two possible objections to Rio accepting Chinalco's largesse.

They have gone to Rio to work as maids.

His company flew him to Rio to attend the conference.

The prize is an all-expenses-paid trip to Rio.

He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him.

He had booked his passage to Rio de Janeiro.

Philip Crowson, economic adviser to Rio Tinto-Zinc, points out that stockpiles can have unwanted side effects.

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《读郑所南先生集 其一》
作者: 清末近现代初 · 黄节



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