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to roar是什么意思_to roar的中文翻译

to roar





brontosaurus roar───雷龙吼

best roar───最佳咆哮

deafening roar───震耳怒吼

daunting roar───令人畏惧的咆哮

mandrill roar───山楂咆哮

roar down───以大声喊来压倒…的声音;大声压倒说话人的声音

roar at───对...大声嚷嚷;对...咆哮;向…大声叫, 因…大声笑

rumble and roar───隆隆轰鸣


Tom's father asked him not to roar at me.───汤姆的父亲叫汤姆不要对他大吼大叫。

Let me wake up to roar or whirl about.───让我苏醒呼啸盘旋。

You don't need to roar in the public place.───你不必在公共场所大声嚷嚷。

All that day, from morning until past sunset, the cannon never ceased to roar. It was dark when the cannonading stopped all of a sudden.───整整那一天,从清晨到太阳下山,大炮没有停止轰轰作响,黑夜中,连续不断的炮声突然停止。

Loves you truly the girl, each time the vitality does intentionally has not calmed down, only is wants to listen to you to roar oneself.───真正爱你的女孩,每次生气故作没有消气,只是想听你来哄自己。

And one of my favorite things to do was to cycle along by the side of the railway waiting for the great big express trains to roar past.───我最喜欢做的事情之一就是沿着铁路骑自行车等待着特快列车呼啸而过。

All that day, from morning until past sunset, the cannon never ceased to roar.───那天从早晨到日落,炮声隆隆,没有停过。

Masters were the first to feel embarrassed, and after that it may begin to roar with laughter, but if you understand.───主人听后首先感到尴尬,等明白过来后,也许不禁哈哈大笑,反而弄得你莫名其妙。

I would make the wind blow high and the salt seas to roar, till the day that my darling away from culmore.───让狂风揎起大浪像狂号的狮子一般,直到有一天能把我亲爱的库尔莫带回来


to roar with laughter.

He looked surprised, then proceeded to roar with laughter.

Ready to roar.Cricket's young dragons learning to breathe fire.

His daughter began to roar when he refused to take her to the cinema.

He began to roar when I took the chocolate away.

Maybe it's time we began to roar like stags in the rut.

Oakland collected 11 penalties to roar back into the league lead, with 86.

The wind howled and the surf continued to roar as we explored beyond our landing point; we visited a ruined chapel.

Then he exploded and began to roar the other side, the loose-tongued, to verbal abuse.

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随机恶心笑话: 猥琐内涵的爆笑冷段子

“第一次处对象的时候,有天我的手摸到了姑娘的大腿,还想再往上摸,她突然严肃的拦住我说,这是我的禁区,你不能碰! ”“后来呢?”“后来,我在禁区外来了个远射。”


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