uncontrolled excitement───无法控制的兴奋
uncontrolled bowel movements───大便失控
uncontrolled love───失控的爱
uncontrolled diabetes icd 10───未控制糖尿病icd 10
uncontrolled fill───不受控制的填充
uncontrollable crying───无法控制的哭泣
uncontrolled htn───非受控htn
uncontrollable shaking───无法控制的晃动
It performed these uncontroversial tasks by and large with meagre success.───它完成了这些毫无争议的任务,但收效甚微。
All that is uncontroversial, you might think.───你会认为,所有这一切都应毫无争议。
He chose an uncontroversial topic for his speech.───他为自己的演讲选择了一个不会引起争议的话题。
For uncontroversial changes, the NPC is usually allowed to decide itself but more important decisions are made by the party.───对于非争议性的改变,全国人大通常获准自行决定,但更重要的决定要由党作出。
In Europe, the idea that tax rises might be part of the solution to soaring debts is uncontroversial.───在欧洲,解决债务高昂问题的方案中可能包含增税这一观点不会受到质疑。
To have asserted that dreams often portray the satisfaction of longings which reality denies would have been uncontroversial.───声称梦经常描述着被现实否认的渴望的满足应该是无可争议的。
Had he lived, his theory of collective action might well have won him a Nobel prize in economics, though not a wholly uncontroversial one.───如果奥尔森依然健在,那么他的集体行动理论,尽管不是完全没有争议,却很可能把他送上诺贝尔经济学奖的领奖台。
That's not to say that crime and punishment issues are uncontroversial here.───但这并不是说犯罪和惩罚是没争议的。
Thus, we can picture the relation of the legal analyst to his material as being uncontroversial in one of two opposite ways.───于是我们可以发现法律分析家与其分析材料之间的关系会以两种相反的方法分别表明自身并不存在可争议之处。 try its best to collect and build good sentences.
It may be uncontroversial because we imagine him to be a kind of legal ethnographer, describing a common culture to which he need not submit.
Unlike its recommendations on homosexual conduct, the section of the report that dealt with prostitution was largely uncontroversial.
Prechtl's norms for infant sleep are similarly uncontroversial and based on recordings from twenty babies.
He chose an uncontroversial topic for his speech.
It begins, like much pseudoscience, with uncontroversial truths: the number of people over 85 will double, and the cost of drugs is rising.
Instructions about Right Beleeving, a collection of sermons, was uncontroversial. The identity of Archer's wife is unknown.
That is an uncontroversial view in continental Europe, especially in Belgium and France, where cartoon strips are reviewed in critical essays and dissected in academic theses.
Even what should have been a relatively uncontroversial arms control treaty with Russia turned into a knock-down, drag-out fight with Senate Republicans.