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without shame是什么意思_without shame的中文翻译

without shame




live without shame───没有遗憾地生活;无悔地生活;光明正大地生活

groveling without shame───卑躬屈膝


despising shame───鄙视耻辱


stigmatizing shame───耻辱

body shame───身体羞耻感

how shame───真丢脸

shame on───可耻


Find her, love her, marry her and live without shame.───找到她,爱她,娶她,然后没有遗憾的生活。

road is rocky heart without shame.───心无交规,路有坎坷。

Without consideration, without pity, without shame.───没有体谅,没有怜悯,也无羞耻。

It asserts without shame, fear or compromise that Darwin's theory of evolution is, quite simply, true.───这展览不害羞、不害怕或妥协地断言达尔文的进化伦,很简单,就是真理。

I weep with you without shame and without honor.───我与你一起流泪,没有羞愧,也没有自尊。

our story can resume, I can resume, I will return, finding you, love you, marry you, and live without shame. . .───我们的故事可以继续,我可以重新来过。我会回来,找到你,好好地爱你,娶你回家,没有任何愧疚的生活…

A celebration, without shame or innocence, of life and its liquid surge between the thighs .───一个庆典,没有羞耻和清白之分,生活就是大腿之间流动的汹涌波涛。

When you apply these aspects of personality without shame, people will identify emotionally with a design.───当您套用这些方面的个性不感到难堪,人们会从感情上认同这个设计。


He had cried noisily and without shame at the news of Esther's death.

She observed him without shame as he looked at every part of her.

Without consideration, without pity, without shame.

I will return, find you, love you, marry you and live without shame.

Exploitation was pursued without shame in the rich and soon conquered provinces of Bengal, Behar and Orissa.

I confess without shame I was unmanned - choked with dust and tears both.

She is completely without shame.

A man cannot be without shame , for the shame of being without shame is shamelessness.

That child is completely without shame!

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随机文艺笑话: 给我一个学英文的理由

上午我到一家外资公司谋职面试完毕,乘电梯下楼。在某一层电梯停住了,门打开,看见一个衣着性感的女郎,一手挽着名牌手袋,一手扶着电梯门,身体斜靠着,用挑逗的语气问我:够淫荡吧? 我控制住汹涌的思潮冷静分析,人家外企就是不同,人家外企的女职员就是开放,怪不得有人说,我们比他们落后起码三十年,这句话是有道理的。 我平静地说:淫荡是淫荡了点,但我喜欢。 我知道我说这句话的样子也一定很酷,作为一个有骨气的受传统文化熏陶的知识分子,要在新时代新潮流面前努力转变思想,不能甘于落后。 突然间那女郎用手袋猛地向我砸来,一边还说:你这流氓! 直到晚上我才醒悟,原来她说的是:Going Down吧? 这件小事促使我下定决心、排除万难,在本世纪头20年力争适应中英文混用的新潮流。


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