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change him是什么意思_change him的中文翻译

change him




him him───他,他



bag him───把他带走

feed him───喂他

in him───在他身上

change off───<美>换班,交替;轮流

hyaline change───玻璃样变

never change───永远不改变;永不改变(歌名,NeverChange)


She criticizes me for the way I feed or change him.───她批评我喂他或给他换尿布的方法。

I thought I could change him but I was wrong.───我还想我能改变他,但我错了。

When he is hungry, people feed him, and when he is wet, people change him.───他饿的时候,人们喂他;他湿了的时候,人们帮他换衣服。

Although you don't know HAO123, but when you see him in the inside of the practical tools, I don't think you'll delete or change him!───虽然你不知道HAO123,但是当你看到他里面的工具实用性,我想你不会删掉或者更改他吧!

I praise him when he lets me change him with no hassle, and without reminding him that he gets a reward for good behavior.───当他痛痛快快地让我给他换尿布时,我会表扬他。他知道自己要是表现好的话就会得到奖励。

She thought, "This is his way of doing things, nobody can change him. "───她想,“这就是他做事的方式,改不了了。”

Honoring Your Husband Means Not Trying To Change Him. . .───尊重你的丈夫意味着不要适意去改变他…

He's single which means he's plastic, she can change him , if he's not single, it's no use.───他是单身的,就有可塑性。她可以改变他。他不是单身的话,说什么也没用。

I don't know----what I can do, whether I can change him (or not).───我不知道该怎么做,也不知道自己能不能改变他。


But we can't change him, so we must make the best of it. What's done cannot be undone, on use crying over spilt milk.

She criticizes me for the way I feed or change him.

These spores take root in the Night Goblin's flesh and gradually start to change him.

I want to had begun my life afresh ! How does ability change him? Actually a lot of things me very be fed up with present oneself!

Nothing will change him, and he will always be the same.

Her mistake had been to think that being a part-owner of a property might change him.

For the present she would change him into an old beggar so that he could go everywhere unrecognized.

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作者: 金 · 赵秉文



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