Professor Lanphier obtained his doctorate in social psychology from the University of Michigan.───教授从密歇根大学获得了社会心理学博士学位。
Vivien Thomas, who had no formal medical training, in struggling against overwhelming odds, he became a cardiac surgeon and eventually to receive an honorary doctorate from Johns Hopkins University.───薇薇安·托马斯没有接受过正式的医学训练,但他努力抗击重重困难,成为了一名心脏外科医生,并最终获得了约翰·霍普金斯大学的荣誉博士学位。
Imagine mom's surprise when you, who were on your way to a doctorate at Yale and took a few acting classes.───当你在耶鲁大学攻读博士学位时,你去上了几堂表演课。你可以想象妈妈会有多惊讶。
She studied electrical engineering as an undergraduate at Southern Illinois University and for her doctorate at Texas A&M University.───她在南伊利诺伊大学(SouthernIllinoisUniversity)攻读了电机工程的本科学位,又在德州农机大学(TexasA&MUniversity)拿了博士学位。
In another, smoother video shortly afterwards, he said he was studying happily for a doctorate at an unnamed American university.───在稍后的另一段流畅的视频里,埃米尔说他一所并未提及名字的大学里愉快地进修博士学位。
Another Australian academic was an assistant author in 2001 and a lead author in 2007, although she did not earn her doctorate until 2009.───1994年版本的第一作者之一仅在两年前才获得硕士学位,而且直到1995年才发表第一篇论文。
Her name was now Marie, and she was now an official scientist, studying the properties of magnetism for her doctorate in physics.───她的名字从那时起,改称为玛丽,成了一位攻读博士学位,研究物理学中磁性质的正式的科学家。
He took home a Texas Tech University doctorate in range management and a small Internet software company that he co-founded in Dallas.───他带回来的不仅有得州理工大学牧场管理学博士学位,还有一个小型互联网软件公司枣亚洲信息公司(Asiainfo)。这是他与别人合伙在达拉斯创立的。
Most American parents do not push their children to get a doctorate or to be a Nobel Prize winner as the top goal in life.───多半老美父母不要求他们的孩子去取得博士学位或成为诺贝尔得主,作为人生最高目标。