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heavy going是什么意思_heavy going的中文翻译

heavy going






heavy drinker───[医]大量饮酒者

heavy box───重箱子

heavy cream───多脂奶油;胖女人;重力稀奶油

heavy wordkiceo───笨重的词

bit heavy───有点重

heavy boy───笨重的男孩

heavy metals───n.重金属,强敌( heavy metal的名词复数 );[材]重金属


She's a bit heavy going.───她有点难缠。

I found such books too heavy going.───我觉得这样的书太难读下去。

I found the course rather heavy going.───我觉得这门课相当难。

At times its rigorously research-led approach can be slightly heavy going.───它过于严谨的研究手法可能会让这本书有点晦涩。

He soon began to find it heavy going.───他不久就发现进行很吃力了。

He found such books too heavy-going and preferred a detective story.───他觉得这些书读起来太难,宁愿看一本侦探小说。

As well as taking in the Budget on Twitter, I downloaded the full statement, which was rather more heavy going.───我不仅在Twitter上接收预算信息,还下载了声明全文——这是一件更艰难的事。

You'll find the work heavy going.───你会发现该工作难于进行。

It's heavy going but they will finish the job eventually.───这件工作虽然很费劲,但他们最终还是会完成它的。


I find the work heavy going.

I'm finding the advanced physics a bit heavy going.

Mwangaza was dull and heavy going.

I found his latest novel a bit heavy going .

Eoin Young's Diary is heavy going.

She's a bit heavy going.

In part two: Heavy going: Weighing up the competition for the Boat Race.

I found the course rather heavy going.

The resulting interview was heavy going for both of them.

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