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i want enough money是什么意思_i want enough money的中文翻译

i want enough money




I want money───我想要钱

enough money───足够的钱

want money───想要钱吗

i want───我想要(歌曲名)

I am enough───我够了

i want i want to know───我想我想知道

i i want to───我,我想

i what money───我什么钱

money money money───钱钱钱


I have done it. I have everything I want. I have made enough money to secure my family and that is all I care about".───我做到了。我得到了我所想要的一切。我赚足保护家人的钱,而那就是我关心的全部。

However, in general, the existence of proprietary software is fine by me, and I even buy some closed-source software if it does something I want done well enough to be worth the money.───不过,总的来说,专有软件的存在,我是不介意的,而且,如果闭源软件物有所值,我甚至还会购买。

But I also moonlight selling tickets at the movie theater from six-thirty to nine-thirty because I want enough money to get a new car.───但是,由于我要攒够了钱买一辆新车,所以我还有另外一份工作。那是从六点半到九点半在电影院里卖票。


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随机恶心笑话: 猥琐内涵的爆笑冷段子

“第一次处对象的时候,有天我的手摸到了姑娘的大腿,还想再往上摸,她突然严肃的拦住我说,这是我的禁区,你不能碰! ”“后来呢?”“后来,我在禁区外来了个远射。”


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