Pent-up aggressive impulses demand outlets.───被压抑的攻击性冲动需要发泄。
It works by sending a series of electrical impulses which are picked up by hi-tech sensors.───它通过传输由高技术传感器收集的电脉冲而起作用。
The photochemical reactions transform the light into electrical impulses.───光化学反应使光变为电脉冲。
The Guanfacine drug seems to be safe, since it's already approved to use in ADHD patients to regulate impulses and improve working memory.───这种药已被获准用于小儿多动症患者以控制神经冲动和提高工作记忆,现在看起来似乎还是安全的。
(Music) And for the rest of your life, every time you hear classical music you'll always be able to know if you hear those impulses.───(钢琴声)在你未来的人生中,每当你听到古典音乐你都会意识到自己是否听到了这些停顿。
Axons are the long slender projections that transmit nerve-cell impulses to the rest of the body, controlling movement.───轴突是一个细长的传导物质,将神经细胞的脉动传送至身体各部分,从而控制身体的动作。
One should experience at least two impulses in life. One is to fall in love head over heels; one is to leave for a trip without hesitation.───一生中至少要有两次冲动,一次为奋不顾身的爱情,一次为说走就走的旅行
Such improvisation is based on a musician's creative impulses, and is often inspired by interactions with the other players or the audience.───这样的即兴演出基于乐手的创作冲动,通常是由与其它乐手或与观众间的互动激发起来的。
Electrical activity in the form of nerve impulses being sent and received to and from cortical neurons is always present, even during sleep.───大脑皮层神经元不停地发送、接收神经冲动信号,即使在睡觉时也不例外。
These impulses are often totally unconscious.
We are all subject to aggressive impulses.
Impulses that are repeatedly denied can arise in other forms.
The Dratslingers and their troupe plucked these impulses from the ether, made them coagulate, gave them form.
Nerve impulses are transmitted to the brain.
Radio waves are converted into electrical impulses.
Unpremeditated impulses were often frustrated by such hurdles.
Impulses of attraction towards beautiful forms or faces troubled him frequently for the next two years at Oxford.
The eye converts light signals to nerve impulses.