in the extreme se───在极端的se
extreme flex───极度灵活
garcinia extreme───藤黄
extreme cases───极端情况
extreme ways───极端的方式
extreme tanks───极限坦克
extreme caution───非常谨慎;极其小心
extreme analysis───极端分析
The study warns that it is teenagers who engage in all three of these practices in the extreme who are truly in jeopardy.───该项研究警告称,真正处于危险境地的是那些极端地采取这三种行动的青少年。
The journey would be dangerous in the extreme.───这段旅程将会是极其危险的。
In the extreme, some critics have said that making treatment decisions based on cost is a form of rationing.───在极端情况下,一些批评家说,根据成本做出治疗决定是一种定量配给。
The problem appeared to be people's reluctance or inability to travel to see their GP in the extreme weather conditions.───问题似乎是民众不愿或不能在眼下这种极差的气候条件下去看他们的家庭医师。
I thought it unwise in the extreme to announce such a decision before we had any idea of the next Soviet move in the Middle East.───我认为,在我们没有弄清楚苏联在中东下一步的打算之前,就宣布这样一个决定是非常不明智的。
Confused in the extreme in their logic, these self styled theorists did not know themselves what they were talking about.───这些自封的理论家们,逻辑混乱之极,甚至连他们自己也不知谈些什么。
It would have been risky in the extreme to allow Citigroup to follow Lehman Brothers into capitalism's graveyard, or to let AIG collapse.───让花旗集团(Citigroup)步雷曼兄弟(LehmanBrothers)之后尘,倒在资本主义的墓地里,或让美国国际集团(AIG)破产,都是极为危险的。
The pang of jealousy he felt inside was like a chestnut roasting on a fire about to burst from its shell in the extreme heat.───心里一阵嫉妒,像火上烤的栗子,热极要迸破了壳。
This can be seen in the extreme case of the last stages of hyperinflation, when people largely give up using money and switch bater.───这在恶性通货膨胀的最后阶段的极端例子中可以看出来,到那时人们会基本放弃使用货币,而转向物物交换。
Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.