About doughnuts
The golden brown ring is a doughnut.───那个金褐色的圆圈就是甜甜圈。
Don't you like a doughnut?───你不喜欢甜甜圈吗?
I could never have a doughnut today!───我今天绝对吃不到甜甜圈了!
It was on his way back past them, clutching a large doughnut in a bag, that he caught a few words of what they were saying.───在他拿着面包往回走又经过他们时,他依稀听到一些他们谈话的内容。
So, maybe what you have in mind is some sort of doughnut shape like this that curves on itself, and maybe comes back.───有可能你想到的是一类这样环状物,它自身有这种曲线,也有可能绕回来。
The addition of the STED doughnut reduced the spot area by ninefold, but, owing to its cylindrical shape, did not squeeze the spot axially.───在受激发射损耗减少甜甜圈此外九倍的名胜区,但由于其圆柱形状,并没有当场轴向挤压。
Grandmother would never eat a doughnut without first dunking it in her coffee.