You need a donor and you need an acceptor.───我们需要一个电子供体和电子受体。
It can be initiator, acceptor, or both.───它可是initiator、acceptor或both。
It's going to be an electron acceptor, and it wants to accept electrons and wants to accept electron density.───它将成为一个电子的接收器,且它想要接收电子和电子密度。
Alternative splicing at donor or acceptor sites located just a few nucleotides apart is widespread in many species.───选择性剪接在捐助或承兑人位于短短核苷酸除了普遍在许多物种。
When the acceptor of a bill is or becomes the holder of it at or after its maturity, in his own right, the bill is discharged.───如汇票承兑人于汇票到期日或到期日后成为执票人,就其本身之权利言,汇票即告解除。
He has all the rights of that holder in due course as regards the acceptor and all parties to the bill prior to that holder.───以承兑人及在此以前该票之所有当事人而言,执票人享有该适时执票人所享之一切权利。