Access to knowledge
Teachers sometimes presuppose a fairly high level of knowledge by the students.───教师有时候假定学生的知识水平相当高。
Owing to the limitation of our knowledge, there must be mistakes and errors in the book.───由于我们水平有限, 本书少不了会有缺点和错误.
He devotes his time to the acquisition of knowledge.───他把时间都花在求知上.
His knowledge of music is extensive.───他音乐知识很广博。
I have only a rudimentary knowledge of chemistry.───我只有些粗浅的化学知识.
Each of the sputniks added something to our knowledge.───每颗新卫星都给我们增长了新的知识.
He was eager to match his knowledge against mine.───他很想和我比比,看谁的知识更丰富.
Arriving at the railway station, I put local knowledge to the test and ask a taxi driver.───到了火车站,为了检验自己对当地的了解程度,我请教了一个出租车司机。
Knowledge advances by steps and not by leaps.
The teacher praised him for his anxiety for knowledge.
The course required no prior knowledge of Spanish.
He has an intimate knowledge of American literature.
Repetition is the mother of knowledge.