He denied there is a policy of appeasement.───他否认有姑息政策。
Appeasement has come home to roost.───绥靖已自食其果。
Those who display of shame," Tracy says, "have been associated with an awareness of social norms and appeasement behaviors, which elicits trust in others."───那些表现出害羞的人,”特雷西说,“与社会规范意识和绥靖行为联系在一起,从而引发对他人的信任。”
Though DS passes a signal of violence, a rashly abolition might passes sort of appeasement signal, or, compromise to heinous criminals.───死刑固然“传递的是一种暴力信息”,但贸然废除死刑可能传递的是一种绥靖信息,即对罪大恶极犯罪人的妥协。
The right approach for today's complex world is not that of those who see agreement and appeasement as synonyms.───对于今天这个错综复杂的世界来说,正确的方式不是将意见一致与绥靖政策划上等号。
The smoke of a proud papa's pipe drifting toward the heavens was a sort of appeasement to the heavenly powers.───那时,骄傲的父亲烟斗里飘出来的烟雾升到天堂就是一种缓和众神嫉妒之心的手段。