at that moment
This job absorbs all of my time.───这件工作占用了我的全部时间.
For the first time her veneer of politeness began to crack.───她温文尔雅的外表第一次露出破绽.
What time is it now?───现在几点了?
Why wa ste valuable teaching time trying to knock in a list of facts, if the children aren't interested?───既然孩子们对罗列的事实不感兴趣,为什么要浪费宝贵的教学时间强行塞给他们 呢 ?
The ship drifted helplessly for a time.───那艘船孤零无依地漂泊了一阵子.
My mother makes a fuss of me every time I come home.───我每次回家,母亲总对我体贴备至.
It is your job to be on time.───你有责任按时来.
This time they've messed up big time!───这一次他们把事情搞得糟透了!