a short duration of time
一朝一夕───a short duration of time
Our ambition is vision, but the realization of vision, is not a short duration of time.───愿景是我们的志向,但实现愿景,绝不是一朝一夕的事。
Temporary - Code written with a plan to throw away in a short duration of time.───临时的——开发的代码打算在短时间内抛弃掉。
Such confidence is not a short duration of time to develop.───这样的自信不是一朝一夕所能养成的。
Life is a moment, your every word and action, we are not only a short duration of time, dust, they are eternal, you live in my heart.───朝花夕拾,你的一言一行,我们的一朝一夕,都不只是尘埃,它们是永生的,活在你我的心里。