A math teacher
He can't grasp the basic concepts of mathematics.───他无法掌握数学的基本概念。
He tutors students in mathematics.───他教学生数学。
The core subjects are English, mathematics and science.───必修课程为英语、数学和科学。
Believe it or not, they did not have a University degree in Aeronautical Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or any other subject.───信不信由你,他俩既没有航空工程或是数学专业的学士学位,也没有物理或其他任何科目的毕业证书。
Linda has got a degree in physics and a higher degree in mathematics, so she's not just a pretty face.───琳达有一个物理学位和一个更高的数学学位,因此她是一位大智若愚之人。
The name of his school is Apple Tree. His favourite subject is mathematics. But I'm not good at it.───他学校的名叫苹果树。他最喜欢的科目是数学。但我数学不太好。
It's ironical that the weakest student in mathematics was elected class treasurer.