Breaking hardships, People in Jilin Jian'an have nurtured the struggling spirit, and working hard, they has formed an company management culture featuring inclusiveness.───历经风雨洗礼,铸就了吉林建安人勇往直前的拼搏精神,勤耕不倦的付出沉淀出了兼容并蓄的公司管理文化。
The second part studies the whole acceptance of Jian'an Literature from Wen Xin Diao Long, Shi Pin , and Wen Xuan.───第二部分具体考察《文心雕龙》、《诗品》、《文选》对建安文学的整体接受。
Xinzhou City, was founded in the Eastern Han Dynasty two decades Jian'an (AD 215 years) has been the history of nearly 1800.───忻州城始建于东汉建安二十年(公元215年)至今已有将近1800年的历史。
Although Jian'an writers generally had a strong sense of hero complex, nobody but Cao Cao truly had heroic temperament and made heroic acts.───建安文人虽然有着强烈的英雄情结,但是真正具备英雄气质并作出英雄行为的,除了曹操再无他人。
Since the end of the Han Jian'an to , mostly incised Bai, letters were used as a postmortem letter.───自汉建安之末至三国两晋,多为阴刻白文,用来封物作为信验。
P3EC software economy through reasonable arrangements for the construction progress to reach completion gravel project Jian'an goal.───根据工程目标,通过P3EC软件经济合理的安排施工进度,完成产品视图。