Moonlighting traditionally has meant juggling two hourly jobs, or an hourly job plus freelancing.───传统上的兼职族是同时做两份时薪工作, 或者一份时薪工作加自由职业.
Imagine life as a game in which you re juggling some five balls in the air.───试着把生活想象成一个游戏——在空中抛接五支球.
The government has been juggling the figures to hide the latest rise in unemployment.───政府为隐瞒最近失业率上升而一再更改数字.
He is practising juggling with two footballs.───他在练习用两个足球玩杂耍.
Soon she was juggling five eggs.───没多会儿她就开始抛接5个鸡蛋了。
Developing a successful incubator requires juggling multiple tasks, building stakeholder relationships and managing competing priorities.───成功的发展企业孵化器需要强大的联合工作, 建设具有共同的商业关系并对抗竞争.
Trying to continue with a demanding career and manage a child or two is an impossible juggling act.───一边要做一份费神费力的工作一边又要照顾一两个孩子,这根本无法同时兼顾。
Imagine life as a game in which you are juggling some five balls in the air.───把生活想象成一个在空中抛接五只球的游戏.
Trying to continue with a demanding career and manage a child or two is an impossible juggling act.