Enemy troops suffered heavy losses.───敌军伤亡惨重。
Heavy trucks kept thundering past.───重型卡车不断地隆隆驶过。
These scissors are awfully heavy.───这些剪刀非常重。
When you see a man at the gym struggling to lift a heavy weight, do you jump in and say, ; Here… let me help you with that.───当你看到一个男人在健身房里使劲浑身力气举起沉重的杠铃时,你会过去跟他说;
Even as the thought flashed through his brain he received a heavy blow on the side of his head that nearly knocked him down.───这些念头刚闪过,他的脑袋右面就挨了重重一击,几乎被打倒在地。
Soon after I told him to get ready, the sky became dark with clouds and heavy rain began falling from the sky.───我的话刚说完,天空开始乌云密布,很快便下起了倾盆大雨。
A heavy snow promise a good harvest.
There was a heavy dew this morning.
A heavy purse makes a light heart.
Poverty on an old man’s back is a heavy burden.
He has a heavy teaching load this year.