Third picture: The kitten and her older brother.───第三张: 小猫咪和它的大哥.
Even now, 15 years later, she will still sign'sad frown'if she sees a kitten. "───直到现在, 15年过去了, 科科看到猫仍然会做出‘痛苦、不高兴 ’ 的手势. ”
The cat picked up her kitten by the scruff of its neck.───猫咬住幼崽的后颈把它叼了起来.
Did you recently clean the house, mow the lawn or snuggle your new kitten?───最近你是否清扫过房屋 、 修整过草坪或依偎过小猫?
The kitten mewed pitifully.───小猫喵喵地叫,挺可怜的。
The tiny kitten approached the enormous bear and let out a purr and a mew.───那猫却走近体大腰圆的灰熊,冲它“喵呜“,“喵呜“地叫着.
The plump ginger kitten had settled comfortably in her arms and was purring enthusiastically.───胖乎乎的姜黄色小猫惬意地躺在她的怀里,大声地打着呼噜。
Bring your new kitten home in a cat carrier.───用猫笼把小猫带回家.
The plump ginger kitten had settled comfortably in her arms and was purring enthusiastically.