Live tricks
活把戏───Live tricks
What other tricks can you do to live like no one is watching?───你还知道哪些小把戏能让自己活得若无旁人?
Life has a way of playing these tricks on us as a test and a challenge to wake up and live our lives.───生活有自己的办法戏弄我们,像个测验又像个挑战,催人醒悟,让人面对生活。
In our first installment of laptop health tips from the experts, we Shared tips and tricks from computer repair shops around New York City on how to help your laptop live a little longer.───在关于笔记本电脑保养的第一期连载中,一些来自纽约周边的维修点与我们分享了一些能延长你的本本使用寿命的小诀窍。