Loose bag
松包───loose bag
Sara realizes that one of the bars she's cuffed to is loose, and to buy time, begins taunting T-Bag, telling him that his medical records at Fox River indicate that he's impotent.───莎拉发现她被铐着的其中一根拉门把是松动的,为了争取时间,他开始奚落西奥多,告诉他说,根据在狐狸河医院的医疗纪录,他是性无能。
Bob falls to the ground. When he tries to regain his footing, T-Bag kicks him forward and Bob slams against the loose toilet fixture and pulls it down with him.───Bo b倒在了地上,他试图重新站起来,T - Bag朝前踹了他一脚,Bob摔在了松动的马桶上,将马桶拉倒了。
Pop any small, loose items like pedals or skewers in a small sandwich bag and selotape it to the inside of the box.───取出所有小而零碎的物品如踏板或横杆,装入小袋子,封装进盒子里层。