Love guest
情客───Love guest
Maurice Guest joins Madame Bovary and Anna Karenina, as the lyrical sweep of Richardson's prose reveals every intimate tremor felt by a human heart obsessed with the love of another. Carmen Callil───理查森以其抒情的笔触摹状了痴迷于爱情的心灵所感受到的每一次隐秘的震颤,《莫里斯·格斯特》也由此而得以跻身于《包法利夫人》、《安娜·卡列尼娜》之列。
I've written dozens of guest posts for many blogs - all of them with an audience that I'd love to reach.───我为许多友情博客写了几十篇帖子,同时,这些友情博客上的读者也是我的目标。
So the woman went out and asked, "Which one of you is Love?" Please come in and be our guest.───于是,妇女便出来问道:“请问哪一位是‘爱’呀?请进屋做客吧!”
Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Love (Guest Lecture by Professor Peter Salovey)───演变,情感与理性:爱