He conjured a delicious meal out of a few leftovers.───他居然用几样剩下的东西做出了可口的一餐。
Mine is filled with leftovers, bread, stock, meat and fish.───我的包里装满了剩菜、面包、高汤、肉和鱼。
Waiter, I need to pack the leftovers.───服务员,我需要将剩菜打包。
If you've run out of ideas for your turkey leftovers, here are a few suggestions that are tasty, delicious and creative!───如果你对剩火鸡无计可施,下面有几条美味可口又创意十足的建议。
But the question no one seems to ask is, if pigs are no longer there to munch away at them, where will Cairo's giant piles of leftovers go?───但还有一个似乎每人提的问题是,假如那些猪不再那儿咀嚼剩余的垃圾,那么开罗成堆的剩余垃圾何去何从呢?
But the cosmic leftovers of these violent outbursts have been a mystery ? until now.───但这些猛烈爆炸所留下的宇宙残留物到现在为止仍然是个谜。
What shall we do with the leftovers?