Let everything go
让───Give Way;一切───everything
He refused to give way on any of the points.───他拒绝在任何一点上让步。
There is a zebra crossing but cars will never stop and give way.───马路上有斑马线,但是汽车永远不会停下来让路。
We felt the ground give way under our feet.───我们感觉到脚下的土地下陷了。
As if, however, to falsify this assertion, his legs seemed to give way, and he suddenly sat down to save himself from falling.───但是仿佛要证明他在说谎似的,他的两条腿支持不住了,为了防止跌倒,他只好一屁股坐下来。
Yet with the review now at a critical stage, the EU appears ready to give way to protectionist voices in its member states.───然而,就在该审查目前处于关键阶段之时,欧盟却好像已准备为各成员国的保护主义势力让路了。
One is that the numbers aren't all that positive, and a few good days could easily give way to a disappointing run.───一个是数字并不是所有积极的,良好的天数可以很容易地让位于一个令人失望运行。
You must give way when you come to this junction.