Liao Chou
The site, distributed over 2000 m 2, is situated by the Dong Liao River.───该遗址位于东辽河沿岸,面积2万余平方米.
Liao returned to Hefei, his heart heavy over the loss of Wan.───张辽为失了皖城,回到合淝,心中愁闷。
This pagoda was built in 1056, during the Liao Dynasty.───此塔建于辽1056年, 位于山西应县,俗称“应县木塔”.
Liao Ning Industrial and Commercial Bureau awarded " Liao Ning Famous Brand ".───辽宁省工商局授予的 “ 辽宁省著名商标 ”.
Liao Tianwen, who failed to be elected , looked a bit disappointed.───落选的候选人廖天文有些沮丧.
All you looked at me, I look at you, huohuo liao anxious.───大家你望望我, 我看看你, 急得火烧火燎.
It is fit to plant in Liao middle - downriver plain, the South from Shenyang.───适宜沈阳以南辽河 中下游 平原稻区推广种植.
Also posted their own house a fire fume Liao, sha shi old.───自家屋中也贴了一幅,火熏烟燎, 煞是古老.
What was the name of Beijing in the Liao Kingdom?
The Central Plains of Wu Dynasty, Liao Dynasty, Jin Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty were in the intermediate state from the limited materials.
For centuries prior to the Liao dynasty, the Chinese built their tombs in imitation of underground shelters for the living, based on their beliefs in and ideas of the afterlife.
Young Chinese, Maths Teacher and class teacher surnamed Liao.
The other is a conversation with the poet Liao Yiwu active in the 1989 democracy movement and subsequently jailed.