Military boss
Magnus's army was gradually pushed back into a defensive circle.───马格努斯的军队被迫逐步撤回防守圈.
You are too young to join the army.───你年龄太小,还不能参军.
The army paraded round drill squares.───军队绕训练场列队行进.
Her husband is in the army.───她的丈夫在陆军服役。
He successively held the posts of brigade and army commander.───他历任旅长、军长等职.
The city was liberated by the advancing army.───军队向前挺进,解放了那座城市。
An army swollen with pride is bound to lose.───骄兵必败.
The army encircled the airport.───军队包围了机场.
The emperor was deposed and his army disbanded.───皇帝被废黜,他的军队也被解散了.
The army put down the rebellion.───军队镇压了叛乱。
Mark did a two-year stint in the army.
Plans have been mooted for a 450,000-strong Ukrainian army.
Skill and confidence are an unconquered army.
The French began to assemble an army.
They warred against the opposing army 8 years.
The 2nd army consists of three armored divisions.
He has applied to join the army.
The victorious army returned in triumph.
The army experts made the bomb safe.