Make some coffee
Coffee is the staple of this district.───咖啡是这个地区的主要产品.
I prefer tea to coffee.───我喜欢茶而不喜欢咖啡.
With a practised hand he motioned a waiter to bring a fresh pot of coffee.───他老练地用手示意侍者送来一壶新煮的咖啡.
Elvis comes on the coffee shop PA system.───咖啡店的广播中播放着猫王的歌。
Is the coffee all right?───这咖啡还满意吗?
A quietly efficient manservant brought them coffee and brandy.───一个不起眼而能干的男仆给他们端来了咖啡和白兰地.
Coffee is a fragrant beverage.───咖啡是一种香味浓郁的饮料.
He extracted several glossy prints and spread them out on a low coffee table.───他掏出几张光面照片,将它们摆在一张矮茶几上。