Singapore seceded from the Federation of Malaysia and became an independent sovereign state.───新加坡脱离马来西亚联邦成为一个独立的主权国家。
The coconut palm is a native of Malaysia.───这棵椰子树是马来西亚的土生植物。
Malaysia has emerged as the toughest critic of the North's environmental attitudes.───马来西亚已成为对北方发达国家环境态度的最强硬的批评者。
There have been more attacks on churches in Malaysia, in a growing dispute over the use of the word Allah by non-Muslims.───马来西亚的教堂受到越来越多的攻击,纷争就非穆斯林使用真主一词。
Davies says the runner was scheduled to return to Malaysia with the other Asia-based athletes just a few days after she disappeared.───戴维斯称,安黛儿本应在失踪的几天之后与其它亚洲运动运一起返回马来西亚。
Oh, it did not take place in Africa, a Middle East country or a hidden tribe in Papua New Guinea, but Malaysia.───这不是非洲,这不是中东,这不是巴布亚新几内亚深山老林里的原始部落,这是马来西亚。