Male Wizard
The wizard generates an entity class with the same name as the corresponding database table.───向导生成的实体类名称与对应的数据库表名完全一样.
To display the Add Class Wizard for a class, select a template and click Add.───若要显示类的“添加类向导”, 请选择模板并单击“添加”.
But don't I need powerful spells if I am to become a powerful wizard?───但是不学强大的魔法,怎么成为一个法力强大的巫师 呢 ?
This action opens the wizard.───该操作将会打开向导程序。
This wizard automatically creates a form in PivotTable view.───向导将在“数据透视表”视图中自动生成一个窗体.
After virtual hard disk file setup, wizard continue to finish virtual system's settings.───在虚拟硬盘建立后, 向导继续完成虚拟系统的设定.
An unexpected error occured in the Sound Hardware Test Wizard.───声音硬件测试向导发生意外错误.
This wizard helps you troubleshoot any conflicts and prepare the mailbox for reconnection.───此向导将帮助您解决任何冲突问题并准备好邮箱,以便进行重新连接.
He was a wizard with camels.