Mechanical oath
The mechanics work hard to keep the he-licopters airworthy.───机修工努力维持直升机的飞行性能。
Both quantum mechanics and chaos theory suggest a world constantly in flux.───量子力学和混沌理论都指出世界处在不断变化中。
What are the mechanics of this new process?───这一新工序如何操作?
Can your mechanics repair it?───你们的机械师能修好 吗 ?
The mechanics of fixing a car are very long.───修理一部汽车的过程很长.
Can the mechanics repair Mr. Wood's car?───修理工能否修复伍德先生的汽车?
According to quantum mechanics, empty space is anything but empty.───根据量子力学理论,真空区并非空无一物。
This is a course in mechanics.───这是一门力学课程.