Narrow hip
She broke her hip in the fall.───她摔倒时折断了髋骨。
The car struck him a glancing blow on the hip.───轿车斜撞到他髋部。
He fell and fractured his hip.───他跌了一跤将髋关节摔裂。
HIP-HOP music has few rules. singers just do what they think and rap it out in a clever or creative way.───嘻哈音乐的规则非常少。歌手仅仅做他们想的然后敲击出来,或者创造出来。
However, progressive hip displacement continued to occur in the treatment group, and our data do not support recommending this treatment.───但是,治疗组进行性髋关节脱位仍继续发展,我们的试验数据不推荐这种治疗。
Susan Gaden said, "I had a hip replacement 12 months ago and that sort of technology would have been very useful in my rehabilitation. "───SusanGaden称:“12个月前我做了髋关节置换手术,这种技术对我的康复有很大的帮助。”
He took a swig of whisky from his hip flask.